
Our complete schedule is now online:

RustFest Barcelona Schedule

We’re looking forward to 11 talks and a total of 12 workshops.

Workshop signup

This year the workshops happen as afternoon sessions on both days. We will have workshops that run on only one day and a handful of workshops that are spread across both days.

If you already have a ticket for the conference, you will receive an email with links to signup for the workshops. Workshops don’t cost extra and are included in the general conference ticket already.

Workshop topics

You can find the full list of workshops on the workshops page.

Since we last talked about it, we added two more workshops:

Sketching for faster learning and effective communication

Ever seen sketchnotes at a conference, and wished you could communicate as clearly, and quickly? Malwine will let you in on a secret: drawing is a teachable skill, just like writing code is.

Learn how to sketchnote to capture key points of a talk or conversation and by the end of the day you will leave with new confidence and skills you can use the same day!

Bring your own Topic

Did you recently found out about a cool new project? Are you developing one of your own?
On Sunday we give you a space to present your own topic in short lightning talks & demos.

Come by, bring slides, code or a question or listen in on what other Rustaceans are doing with Rust.